Hey there!
I’m Gypsy LoSavio!
Your Sassy Boundaries, Non-Negotiable & SoulFull Goals Mentor and Geeky Blogging

That’s my AUsome sidekick, MasterBeastie, in case you are wondering.
Sometimes Life throws us curve balls. We’re the fixers, the ones who make the peace. It gets to the point that we no longer have a clue as to who we truly are anymore. We get lost in the shuffle. And we can barely pour our selves a cup of coffee and face the day as a “normal human”, much less our real self – whoever that is. All in the name to fit in some other person’s perfect world. ::Eye Roll::
I’m gonna bet that three names entered your mind while you just read that. I’m not a mind reader. I have my own list. It’s actually 5 people, if I’m honest.
It’s time to dust off that box in the back of your closet where you have hid away, piece by piece, your true self ~ your SoulFull truth.

Everything on SoulFull Gypsy is designed to support your journey in taking your life (and business if that’s what you need to do) into your own hands and raise yourself up to the next level of YOU.

Who I Am
Your Sassy Boundaries, Non-Negotiable & SoulFull Goals Adviser and Geeky Blogging Mentor. I am a Destroyer of doormat-itis, Guardian of velvet ropes ~ sharing my snark and my stories to help you find & forge your own journey!

What I do
Support YOU with mindset/paradigm shifts, goal setting that you will stick to, and help you move towards taking your dreams to YOUR next level while supporting you on your journey of self Re-Discovery.

Your Results
Get clear on your goals, dreams, purpose. Stay accountable to your goals, no matter how small or large. Create more consistency & action while achieving your goals & dreams. A new mindset & pardigm shift that supports your journey to Self-Discovery!
Are you ready to connect with your dream life? Your dream clients? Your DREAM … period!
& Level Up
I want you to love what you do and feel excited about the journey you are on. The courses, planners, journals and other fabulous products/services offered on SoulFull Gypsy are designed to get you moving and ready to take your life and business to YOUR next level.
It’s Time to Unlock Your Full Potential & Say Hello to the YOU you are meant to be!
It starts with dumping the brules, rediscovering your inner bouncer, and being compassionate and loving to yourself – all while fiercely protecting your velvet ropes without the guilt!
It starts with the following:
Changing your mindset and creating a new paradigm that fits YOUR life, YOUR dreams, YOUR goals … NOT someone else’s
Setting healthy boundaries & non-negotiables w/o guilt in ALL areas of your life
Self-Care is NOT selfish!
Saying NO without explaining yourself – NO matter who it is you are saying no to
Creating your Biz & Lifestyle around your core desired feeling(s) – CDFs
Time to dump the “BRULES” (bullsh*t rules) and be totally okay with dancing to the beat of your own drum!
It’s okay to NOT be okay – let’s talk about mental health, shall we? :/

Blogging with Gypsy
The New SoulFull Business Paradigm
The New SoulFull Business ParadigmMy definition of a SoulFull business means less stress, doing what you love, and having clients that are in alignment with your business, your vision, mission or...
Following Your Own Path
Following Your Own PathFollowing your own path is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do for your business that speaks your authentic truth.I’m talking about what sets you apart from everyone...
Facing Your Fears Captain America Style
Facing your fears is a daunting thing that creates this terrible pit in your stomach and makes all that “brain noise” get louder and louder! Just writing this makes my heart race faster, my hands...
Let’s Connect!

SoulFull Gypsy LoSavio
Wildly Creative #BossLady #GoddessBoss #MommaBear
Boundaries, Non-Negotiables, & SoulFull Goals Mentor | Blogging Extraordinaire | Sassy & Snarky F-bomb dropping, Coffee Addict | ASD Momma
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